Analysis pipeline of Clytia hemisphaerica

Analysis NameAnalysis pipeline of Clytia hemisphaerica
MethodSee paper methods
SourceClytia annalysis v1.0
Date performed2016-05-30

For more information, see the genome paper (coming soon)

Genome Size / Loci

This version (v.1) of the genome assembly is 445 Mb spread over 7644 scaffolds.

Genome Sequencing and Assembly Methods

Illumina sequencer - paired-end and mate-paired libraries

Roche 454 sequencer - single-ended mate-paired libraries

Soap de novo 2 - GapCloser - HaploMerger 2

Transcripts Sequencing and Assembly Methods

Illumina sequencer of different stages/tissues - 2 bioreplicates

RNA-seq reads were aligned to the genome and assembled with the TopHat-Cufflinks pipeline.